

Keshan Shashindra crowned the Derana Dream Star 3rd season

Derana Dream Star is the most popular reality tv programe in srilanka.Keshan Shashindra crowned the Derana Dream Star 3rd season.Second place to Shanaka udisha (Gampola) and third place to Manuja mahawaththa.We wish Dearana dream star winne...

The Characteristics of A Good Hair Stylist

A visit to the stylist you can have a great view, that your image is as soon as possible. It will depend on whether you find a good hairdresser to the art of dealing with the white hair. Here's what to look for when it comes to looking for looking for a good stylist. 1st A very important issue is the subject of experience that can not be compromised in any case. A great haircut should be a lot of experience to be doing a good job. It's easy to say that this kind of experience that they, their customers tend to be happy. 2nd Do you dare not ignore the talent as a factor that contributes to good hair salon. All designers have a talent for customer base. All great works are produced without doubt bring more customers. 3rd This brings...

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