The story will revolve around a male high school teacher (Kamikawa Takaya), who only has three months left to live due to cancer, and his students’ daily lives and conflicts. The drama will be based on the lyrics of AKB48’s upcoming single, “Sakura no Ki ni Narou“, which will be released on February 16th, and it will also be used as its main theme song. Other AKB48 songs will be used in the drama as well.
The main casts will be played by the “media senbatsu” members (#1-#12), the senbatsu members (#13-#21), who will play the sub-cast, and other roles will be played by the “under girls” (#22 on). All the members will be playing roles using their real names, which likely serves the purpose of helping casual fans learn all their names.
Each episode will be 10 minutes long, except for the first and last episodes, which will be 30 and 60 minutes, respectively, and each storyline will be concluded at the end of each episode, but all the plots will be linked together.
It’s been decided the drama will be released on a DVD-BOX, including the making-of, as well as the interview to the members.
source : tokyohive
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