

Jerome Ortiz - Filipino model and journalist.

Jerome Ortiz Name: Jerome OrtizAge: 25Height: 5' 9"Weight: 150 lbs.Country: PhilippinesOccupation: ModelKnown for: winning the Mossimo Bikini Gran Prix 2006Jerome Ortiz, born in 1981, in Manila, Philippines, is a Filipino model and journalist.Ortiz became known in the Philippines when he won the Mossimo Bikini Grand Prix 2006. Since then, he's bagged several ads and editorial campaigns that graced the covers of many fashion magazines such as Cosmopolitan Philippines and Icon Magazine, to mention a few.Ortiz now resides in Cologne, Germany where he works as a journalist at the German sport University of Cologne. He still continues to do modeling on the side.5'9" tall and 150 lbs, Ortiz maintains his chiseled body by being very active in sport....

Dome-Pakorn Lum - Thai singer and former model.

Dome Pakorn LumDome Pakorn Lum, born 2,September 1979, is a Thai singer and former model.Dome spends his free time DJing in clubs and watching movies. He prefers psycho movies to action and comedy.Dome started his career not in music but as a commercial model at a tender age of six. Thirty or so commercials after, he has established himself as a popular commercial model, being visible in tv and print media. It was not a surprise that this fact got the attention of top RS Promotion talent scout Surachai Chetchotisak. It also helped that he lives near RS Promotion.Dome Pakorn Lum : Nologo. How to be a rock star. New alb...

Bank-Preeti(Clash) - Thai Actor and Singger

Bank-Preeti(Clash)Clash is one of the most popular Thai rock bands in Thailand today. The band consists of Bank(lead vocals), Ponn(guitar), Hack(guitar), Soom(bass), and Yak(drum). The band signed to UP G record in 2001 and up until now they have released 5 albums, 2 greatest hits albums, and 2 special acoustic albu...

Stefan Sunti Weeraboonchai - Thai Actor


Lee Jun Ki - Korean Actor and Model

Lee Jun Ki Name: Lee Jun Ki ( Lee Joon Gi)Profession: Actor, model and singerBirthdate: 1982-Apr-17Birthplace: Busan, South KoreaHeight: 178cmWeight: 66kgStar sign: AriesBlood type: BFamily: Younger sisterTalent agency: Mentor Entertainm...

Shim Chang Min - Korean Singer and actor

Shim Chang MinName: Shim Chang MinEnglish Name: MaxChinese Name: 沈昌珉Nationality: KoreanProfession: Singer and actorDate of Birth: 18 February 1988Height: 186 cmWeight: 61 kgBlood Type: BHobbies: Music, singing, eatingSpecialty: Singing, dancingPosition: High vocalAn aquarius born in 1988, his blood type is B. Is greedy when it comes to music, so sometimes cries when he isn't satisfied with his singing. Because his parents are teachers, he is also very competitive and tries very hard at schoolwork and reading. Though the youngest in the group, he is the most modest and has the deepest thoughts. Can be honest and blunt when he strongly believes that something should not be done. Though shy at first, he is a very bright boy when you get to know...

Kim Joon-soo- Korean Singer

Kim Joon-sooName : Kim joon-sooPosition : VocalBirthday: 1-January-1987Birth place : Kyung Gi DoHight : 178cmWeight : 63kgBood group : BEducation: Junior (Second Year of High School) Favorite singer : JoeHobby : piano, footballSpecial ability :singing , danc...

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